Monday, August 13, 2012

Tuition Rates and Plans 2012

TUITION & PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Tuition for September 2012 through June 2013 for the year is $320.00 per group class. The Registration Fee is $20.00 per student.

The Tuition Payment Schedule and Payment Options are as follows per group class:

Option #1 = $20 Registration, $32 Payment #1 due at time of registration with the balance of $288 due by the first week of September

Option #2 = Payment 1 = $20 Registration, $32 Payment #1 due at time of registration with balance of $128 due by the first week of September Payment #2 = $160 due by first week of January

Option #3 = $20 Registration due at the time of registration
Payment 1 = $32 due at time of registration
Payment 2 = $32 due by first week of September
Payment 3 = $32 due by first week of October
Payment 4 = $32 due by first week of November
Payment 5 = $32 due by first week of December
Payment 6 = $32 due by first week of January
Payment 7 = $32 due by first week of February
Payment 8 = $32 due by first week of March
Payment 9 = $32 due by first week of April
Payment10 = $32 due by first week of May
No payment due in June

To register for a class or for more information email us at: